Project RELOAD is a group of modders and they have created the texture overhaul mod.

Perfect ELS police lights, Made for VISUAL V. The top GTA 5 graphics mod on this list is the VisualV graphics enhancement mod. Thank you DSOgaming for providing us with this information. For having darker nights in GTAV without using graphic mods. Have a look at the screenshots below and make sure to let us know what you think about this GTA V mod. It’s hard to tell how the mod will look in its final form right now, but hopefully it won’t be too blurry. The grass textures, as well as the water puddles, look considerably more detailed and realistic when compared to their original counterparts, and it appears that the lighting effects also received some attention. The screenshots also reveal a slightly dark look, but that’s probably going to change as the mod nears completion. The mod is probably based on ENBSeries or Reshade, and judging by the images provided by its developer, it will probably need a powerful rig in order to run properly. Graphics 5.0 7,789 30 HypeX QuantV Reshade. Graphics 7,847 29 CMR Realistic QuantV Reshade Preset. GTAinside is the ultimate GTA Mod DB and provides you more than 95,000 Mods for Grand Theft Auto: From Cars to Skins to Tools to Script Mods and more. While Grand Theft Auto V has some pretty impressive standard graphics, there’s definitely room for some improvement as far as realism is concerned. IMMERSION Graphics Mod - SinglePlayer & FiveM (+ VFX5.0) By La Gaufre. The GTA V mod that caught my attention recently is currently being developed by a Reddit member named “Toddyftw”, and what makes it stand out among other graphics enhancement mods is the fact that it aims to make the game as photorealistic as possible.

It’s pouring with Grand Theft Auto V mods out there, and while not all of them deserve to be praised, some have the potential to change the game’s look and feel in a dramatic way.